New Moon Musings
In the spirit of the New Moon in Capricorn this weekend I am tuning into my goals and intentions for the next 6 months. I have been beading again on a regular basis, so I plan to keep my momentum and perhaps ramp up production even more. While I have been on the computer/tablet/phone more than I care to admit, I do feel I've tightened up my Instagram game (follow me! @beadmaidenjewelry) and of course, redesigned my website- again. I like it! For now...
The evolution of Beadmaiden continues to reinforce my heart's passion to make jewelry and it truly is a calling I feel blessed to have heard so many years ago. I want to have to hold on as my business takes flight in the coming months. To have more work than I can handle is always an aspiration, as it is a powerful tool for growth and change. The holiday season always brings about some of this frenzy type atmosphere- this past one was no exception with custom rush orders coming at me from many angles! Love it!
Finding balance and defining intentions has been a theme for struggle in the past few years and with this cycle I'd love to get a handle on these finally. There could be a move in my family's future and I am definitely open to any signs (hey universe, I'm talking to you, hint hint) as to where we may land. Until then, my hands are beading, our home is happy, my heart is full and my family is close. What more could I really ask for?